+ 91-9686681184 info@cambridgeschoolmangalore.com
Faculty - 1
Mrs. Nayana Kotian
Primary supervisor (KG-III)

" Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime "- Unknown
Education is not just about reading and writing, it's about gaining knowledge and skills needed to set people up to grow personally and socially. Cambridge School not only focuses on academics but also provides opportunity to each child to explore his/her capabilities.We involve our students in both scholastic and Co- scholastic activities. We provide them an exquisite platform to whet their creative and inter-personal skills. We boost confidence in our students allowing them to be more expressive, self-assured and opinionated. We, at Cambridge school aim to give every student the very best possible education in order to prepare them for life beyond school. We always strive to motivate the late bloomers, nurture the mediocre and challenge the accomplished. We toil to build a solid foundation for children to build upon for rest of their lives. A supportive management, dedicated teachers and co-operative parents blend to strengthen our school. Let us help our children to inculcate a lot of values so that they carry forward the virtuous entrusted in their hands. The moral values woven into the modern curriculum will help our students become a responsible citizen of India.

Faculty - 2
Mrs. Sharmila K.P
Senior Supervisor (IV- VII)

"Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardour and attended to with diligence "-Abigail Adams
The idea of education in today’s society is to prepare students for the challenges of life in the career world. Because of the many diverse paths to success that exist today, different students need different outcomes from their experiences in the education system. We, in Cambridge School, Mangalore prepare our students to think critically and select the opportunities that they need in order to succeed in their chosen paths. Our school in the current time is treated as the most suitable, active and formal agency of education. We have developed and grew with our specific goals as per the changing need of the hour. We work as the bouquet of programs for all-round development of the individual through our different activities that draws out the hidden potentialities of the child and develops them in a proper way. We also help our students in developing and cultivating good and higher values like truth, sympathy, love etc in child. Through different social interactions and moral teaching it spreads the message of righteous living in a society. Hence keeping education as a consequential phase in a child’s development and growth we are looking forward for the pleasant cooperation from parents to work as a team towards creating the best possible learning environment for the child and a foster physical, emotional and intellectual well-being.

Faculty - 3
Mrs. Sapna Crasta
Activity/Cultural In-charge

The entire purpose of education is not to restrict itself to imparting bookish knowledge but to inculcate humanitarian values like wisdom, compassion, courage, humility integrity and reliability in a student through various cocurricular and extra-curricular activities. We, at Cambridge impart education that is based on conscience and we rear a breed of young minds that is bustling with self-confidence, motivation and are ever ready to take up challenges. At Cambridge school we believe that ‘children must be taught how to think, not what to think.’ Cambridge school provides an inclusive environment where students are encouraged to put their best foot forward to achieve academic, sporting and social excellence. Students are provided with platforms in the form of various inter class, inter house and inter school competitions where not only the inborn talents of the child is polished to shine but also builds confidence and help enhance their personality. The potential of the students are channelized by teacher cum facilitators with a holistic student centred approach. The school curriculum encourages students to learn about themselves and their constantly changing environment, while at the same time offering support and guidance as they practice decision making and social skills. Our success is founded on a very simple philosophy, we honour our commitment and make a significant contribution in preparing and moulding the students.

Faculty - 3

The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you - B B King Cambridge School got the best out of the children through the positive reinforcement of good work and good behavior. Believing in the notion that every child is unique in nature with varying needs, they Foster a conducive environment full of love, care, motivation and creativity, and instill in the children a desire to learn with emphasis on their social, emotional, physical, aesthetic, intellectual and developmental aspects, rather than criticism, fear and punishment. School had undergone immense changes during this year.. Activity based curriculum is being adopted by our vibrant teachers to make learning fun and entertainment. Competitions are being conducted for the overall development of a child at base level so that we can polish these rough stones into precious ones.