+ 91-9686681184 info@cambridgeschoolmangalore.com

Cambridge School is located in one of the beautiful terrains of Mangalore and cradled in the lap of nature, laced with spectacular greenery making it the most peaceful ambience to nurture learning. Our lead value based pioneering efforts are to synergize excellence amongst the learners and bring out the best in them. Cambridge School leaves no stone unturned to offer quality education to empower young minds to meet the challenges of a competitive environment through collaborative efforts. The array of activities to tap individual talents of the budding learners provides synchronous growth to the body, mind and soul of the learners.

Lets together motivate our students to grab every opportunity that comes their way which would not only help in their holistic growth but also strengthen their belief in team work which is imperative in the ever-changing global milieu. I feel proud to aver that Cambridge School is performing extremely well in all aspects to ensure academic and human excellence.
The clear vision of the management, the systematic approach to and implementation of the activities by the administration, commitment and dedication of the teaching and non- teaching staff, cooperation of parents and the hard work of the students, together have branded our school as a centre of academic distinction. Our journey towards excellence will continue unabated

  • - Principal
  • Anupama Shetty